A-Camping we will go

Becca and I went out camping for our sixth anniversery. These are some of the photos.
Byers Lake  This is the lake by which we were camping Site Marker  Just a note: Our campsite was A8. The best site in the campground, of course! Campsite  This is our campsite. It rained Monday. A lot. Our tent leaked. We improvised. Josiah would have been proud :-) Dining Canopy  The dining canopy at our campsite
Denali From Memorial  We arrived on Sunday, and after setting up camp we hiked the .3 mile trail over to the vetrans memorial. It's a fairly decent view of Denali from there, although perhaps the view from across the lake was better. Getting water  Of course, it wouldn't be camping without the manual water pump... Odd tree  Twisted. Tree roots  Gnarly, dude!
Split Tree  My sides are splitting! Odd tree  Weird shapes these trees grow in around these parts... Odd tree  Oh, look: a chair! Pretty flowers  Monks hood, I believe.
Cabin  Little cabin in the big woods Boating  On Tuesday, we rented a Kyak for a couple of hours. This was taken a ways up the inlet stream of Byers lake. Nice views. Rough Waters  It got a bit breezy while we were out. This is a calmer moment, when we could actually pull out the camera. Rough Waters  Again with the waves...
Rough Waters  And a bit more Weenie Roast  We roasted hot dogs over the camp fire the last day we were in camp. Weenie Roast  It got a bit smoky at times :-) Puddles  It rained Monday. We got puddles.
Puddles  They had gone down a BIT by the end of our stay